This study seeks to examine and analyze legislations and regulations governing the labour sector in Lebanon, including the legal frameworks governing social security, as well as addressing some of the problems related to vulnerable groups that do not benefit from several basic rights and guarantees, albeit this is in varying degrees.
Plainly, the exclusion of this segment of people from social protections, and the enduring failure to develop fundamental components of social welfare, have further reduced the opportunities for them to participate in the labour market, benefit from social integration, and guarantee for themselves an adequate living standard and social and economic stability.
Before tackling this topic, it is necessary to clarify some points regarding the methodology that we followed and how we have approached the problems involved. In fact, a theoretical survey of the legal texts in force is not sufficient on its own to cover all the aspects of the research, as it quickly becomes apparent that many of them are overlapping, obsolete, and incompatible with the reality on the ground. In addition, employers often resort to practices that are not necessarily based on clear legislative or regulatory texts. Therefore, we have elected to complement the review and analysis of the texts with a practical and field-based approach that reflects the realities of the labour sector and their impact on many groups in society.
The goal is to help tackle some of these problems either through advocacy or through the implementation of certain projects of an economic, social or legal nature that fall within the scope of Oxfam’s activities in Lebanon and the region. In each paragraph or section, we will refer to the most pertinent challenges and opportunities, to produce recommendations and proposals.